Friday, July 15, 2011

The ABC's of Rear End Collisions and Whiplash

Whiplash injuries have been noted since the start of our mechanized society. With the introduction of locomotives and travel by train medical personnel noted patients were complaining of headaches, neck pain, back pain and blurred vision. All of these patients have been passengers on a passenger car that had been hit sharply from behind by another railroad car as it was being coupled. At the turn of the 19th century, this phenomena was called "railway spine"

This same group of symptoms is now called "whiplash" that describes the mechanism of injury involved in rear end collisions. Rear end crashes at low speeds happen every day on our streets and the drivers and passengers of these cars experience the symptoms of whiplash. Crash studies have shown that the acceleration of is actually about two times the acceleration of the car after being hit from behind. This fact explains how injuries can occur with no apparent damage to the vehicle. This condition continues to worsen since car manufactures have built cars to withstand collisions up to 10 miles per hour without visible damage.

This entire phenomena has created a huge health problem since almost 10% of our adult population has now been affected with nearly 6 million collisions each year resulting in half being hurt in these accidents. Fortunately, may injured in these accidents can recover with proper treatment by trained professionals.

A Typical Rear End Crash

You are minding your own business while stopped at an intersection waiting for a green light when someone crashes into your rear fender. The other driver has been talking on his/her cell phone and does not stop in time before slamming into your car. After the initial shock, you look into the rear view mirror and decide to confront the person who hit you and check for damage to you car. You do not find any damage to either car, but you exchange insurance information and decide to call a policeman to report the accident. After arriving on the scene, the patrolman writes his report citing the other driver for failure to take due care and notes that there are no injuries reported and there is no apparent damage.

The above scenario occurs many times every day in a big city and more than 2 million such accidents are reported every year nationwide. Many more are never reported because people are in a hurry and they do not realize that these accidents cause real damage to the ligaments in the neck and the cervical spine. The pain symptoms are usually delayed and can start days, or even weeks later. People that do have pain symptoms are sent to the hospital to check for serious spinal injuries and released.

In the next few paragraphs, you will learn how injuries occur in low speed accidents with no apparent damage to your car.

The details presented are based on actual research and crash tests recorded with a high speed camera and technical instruments connected to the drivers. We monitor ongoing research produced by the Spinal Research Center of San Diego, which is an organization that specializes in whiplash and the resulting trauma. Crash tests are organized each year to train physicians.

Why Did You Get Hurt?

Most rear end accidents occur at speeds under 20 mph, so how can they be that dangerous? The reason is very simple. Detroit makes cars that are built to withstand crash tests that you see on television. Part of the design is to make bumpers withstand low speed crashes of 12 mph, yet the threshold of injury proven by research is only 5 mph. This means that if your car is stopped for traffic then is propelled to a speed of only 5 mph by another car, that is enough energy to produce a whiplash injury.

The accident takes place over the short period of only 300 milliseconds, or less than one-third of a second. The reaction of your torso and head can be described in four phases as follows:

(1) The initial phase starts with the torso moving backward into the seat back with the cervical and thoracic spines straightening. the head rises a few inches because of thee spine straightening and the foot pressure on the brake is probably relaxed.

(2) At this point in the sequence, the vehicle is at peak acceleration, which is 1.5 to 2 times the acceleration of the vehicle. The head has not yet begin to move forward and continues to move backward, and slack may develop in the shoulder harness. The head comes down on the headrest causing tension and shear in the neck, and worse possibly the chance for flexion injury.

(3) In the third phase, the head and neck are at peak acceleration and the vehicle acceleration has stopped. the brake pressure is probably reapplied, which accentuates the deceleration phase and increases the chance for a flexion injury.

(4) In the final phase, full flexion occurs against the restraint system and the occupant experiences high neck tension, torsion and compression. This is the most injurious phase of the whiplash.


Relative Size of Vehicle behind You: Larger mass vehicles like trucks are extremely dangerous even at very low speeds. Avoid dodging in front of larger vehicles and keep a safe distance between vehicles.

Improper Head Restraint: Most drivers are unaware of the proper use of the head restraint. If the head restraint is too low, the head can easily go over the head rest and cause more serious injury. Adjust the restraint so it is level with your head, or even a little higher.

Awareness: The driver may reduce the impact of the whiplash if he/she can brace themselves before impact. Studies have shown that long term disability is 15 times more likely in unaware motorists. Push yourself all the way back in the seat and brace yourself!

Gender: Research shows that women are injured twice as often as men in low speed rear end collisions. Women also have long-term disability of more than 10% than men, and they generally have a more chronic course.

Head Position: Motorists that have their head rotated at the moment of impact are adversely affected because other ligaments can be torn during the whiplash trauma. Look straight ahead with head against head restraint.

Stature: Shorter drivers are generally at less risk than taller drivers because they are better protected by the seat back and head rest.

Age: Research suggests that children are at less risk than adults. Reports vary between 2/3 and 1/16 the risk. Older people usually require longer healing time, but studies are inconclusive.


More Myth and Misinformation Than Fact If you are involved in the legal process for any reason, you will note that most will interpret the facts to suit their own needs and appeal to common sense interpretations that are not based on research or real facts.

"No Crush, No Cash" One myth is that driver injury must be accompanied by vehicle damage. It has been shown that crash damage does not correlate with injury severity and outcome studies confirm this. Car bumpers are built to withstand 12 mph crashes.

Delayed Onset of Symptoms Reflects Badly Defense attorneys will claim that delays in seeking help imply that complaints are fabricated for the purpose of profit. The following points summarize the research on this issue:
  1. A delay in onset of symptoms is most common
  2. The highest intensity of pain is seen at 72 hours post-injury
  3. Shoulder problems develop in half of victims within months
  4. 50% of disc protrusions become symptomatic within 6 weeks
  5. Post concussion syndrome can become manifest hours to weeks after injury
  6. A second wave of symptoms may occur months later
Outcome In spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, may physicians believe that whiplash heals spontaneously and without residuals within a period of 6-12 weeks. One survey asking orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, neurosurgeons and family practitioners for their opinions about whiplash concluded that 25% of all groups believed that prolonged symptoms were psychogenic in origin. This is the best evidence that chiropractors are best equipped to deal with the whiplash phenomenon.

Range of Injuries Seen in Whiplash
  • Dizziness and otoneurological disorders
  • Ligament injuries in cervical spine
  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Visual disturbances
  • Brain injuries
  • Mentrual disorders
  • Spinal cord injuries: Rim Lesions, Internal Disc Disruptions, Disc Protrusion, Hematoma, Scar Formation, Luigament Injury

DC's have the most experience Chiropractors have the most experience in treating these cases and they provide the broadest range of care. The ongoing research in the area of whiplash is generated almost exclusively by the chiropractic profession.

DC's have full diagnostic capability Chiropractors can be effective case managers because they can order imaging studies, laboratory tests and elector-diagnostic tests. We work with many specialists in the area to develop the proper diagnostics and treatment.

DC's provide both spinal care and physical therapy modalities Chiropractors provide not only spinal adjustments, but also deep tissue therapy and physiotherapeutic interventions.

DC's provide home care, nutrition, exercise instructions advice on daily living Chiropractors provide a full range of advice on how to treat injuries and instruct patients how to take charge of their own health.

Full med-legal cooperation Chiropractors provide assistance in the form of open channels of communication, timely and well written reports and expert testimony when required.

If you've been in car accident (no matter how minor), please contact the office of Dr. Jeff Berard TODAY to schedule a complimentary consultation.  Pick up the phone and dial: (954) 452-4600.  You may also visit our website at: or email us at:

Friday, January 21, 2011

7 Benefits of a Wholefood Diet - Helpful Details You Should Know

What are whole foods? Does one whole chocolate or one whole box of cookies count? Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it --, no. Whole foods are natural foods. Your vegetables and fruits are whole foods. Your unpolished grains, oatmeal, nuts, seeds and non-homogenized milk are whole foods. Your unprocessed meat, poultry and fish are whole foods.

In short, pretty much all unprocessed and unrefined foods or those who only undergo a little refining and processing before being consumed are considered whole foods.

Whole foods do not contain any added sugar, salt or other preservatives. Obviously, cured meats like bacon and hotdogs, cannot be categorized as whole foods.

Why is a whole food diet so much advocated today? What are its benefits? We can think of 7, and we've listed them below:

1. They are chockfull of vitamins and minerals that our bodies need for optimal health. Because they haven't undergone processing yet, vital nutrients are not yet lost and they retain their health-giving benefits compared to processed foods that have already lost much of their nutritive power. Fruits like apples, oranges, berries, mangoes, grapes and vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, kale, carrots, squash, celery and others are whole foods that you need to eat everyday. Consumption of 9 servings each day strengthens the immune system and keep our hearts healthy.

2. Whole grains, barley, brown rice and oats have high amounts of fiber that keep our digestive system functioning well. They also naturally detoxify the body of harmful toxins that cause a wide range of diseases from simple stomachaches and digestive upsets to serious ones like colon cancer. Fiber also keeps our hearts functioning well. The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion recommended that individuals consume at least three servings of whole grains everyday to lower their risk of cancer and heart disease.

3. Whole foods have less fat and hence, keeping "bad" cholesterol levels down. It also keeps problems like obesity and heart-related illnesses at bay.

4. They have low glycemic index values. Whole foods do not cause spikes in the glucose and insulin levels of the body. Raised amounts of these are potentially harmful. Diabetics know this for a fact.

5. They do not cause one to overeat. Because they are full of nutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals, whole foods need time to be digested properly. Besides, whole foods are generally more filling and as a result keep one from consuming too much food, thus lessening calorie intake and preventing obesity and other corresponding illnesses. This also results to more energy and vitality in performing work or doing exercise.

6. Protiens can also be taken from lean unprocessed meats and fish. Moreover, fish like tuna and salmon are rich in omega-3 that have been proven to lower triglyceride levels which prevents heart attacks. Omega-3 has also been linked to improved mood and overall better psychological health.

7. Whole foods are free of harmful chemicals like preservatives and genetically-modified substances that contribute to the build up of toxins in the body.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

From the Couch to the Field: The Benefits of Enrolling Your Kids in Sports!

With a little encouragement, children will leave the TV, the X-Box, and Wii behind for busy playgrounds and ball fields. Instead of chips and cookies, they'll reach for basketballs, footballs, rollerblades, and bicycles.

Not sure how many structured after-school activities kids should participate in? Too much structured activity is not good for young children, but a little planning for playtime does have its place. What better way to keep your kids out of the house and away from television and computer games than enrolling them in sports?

Research has found that participating in sports can have a healthy developmental impact on young children. These activities can promote cooperative play, teamwork, and good sportsmanship while helping to refine gross motor skills. Sports can also help children get along with and become accepted by others, including peers, family members, teachers, and coaches. Plus, through positive feedback, group play builds self-esteem, helping your child realize that she's a capable personal who is able to accomplish significant achievements. 

Learning how to play fair is perhaps the most important lesson a child can glean from participating in youth sports. And according to American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, parents need to be actively involved in order to raise a good sport. They can do this by doing the following:

  • Giving kids emotional support and positive feedback.
  • Attending some games and talking about them afterward.
  • Having realistic expectations for your child.
  • Learning about the sport and supporting your child's involvement.
  • Allow your child talk with you about their experiences with the coach and other team members.
  • Helping your child handle disappointments and losing, and modeling respectful spectator behavior

If you have a child over the age of four, you know that there are dozens of activities and sports for them to become involved in, and it can be difficult to choose which ones are best. When deciding what sports to sign children up for, particularly young children, it is important to consider their personalities and interests.

Assertive children may be better suited for team sports such as soccer and basketball where close contact between other children is common. Less aggressive children may prefer baseball, swimming, or gymnastics where they are given more space and independence from the rest of the team. The most important thing to remember, however, is not to push your child into any activity they are not comfortable with. The result will be a stressed out child who will continue to resist you.

As parents of active children it is our job to look for the signs of a stressed-out child. Some examples include falling grades in school, a child who is often tired in the morning, a child that needs to be nagged to get ready for activities, or a child with an overactive concern for perfection.

We don't mean to pressure our children, but we may make them feel like they must achieve for us to make us happy. It is important to offer constant support and love, while trying not to push them into too much. While we all want our children to achieve great feats of success, it is important to remember that they are still children and need freedom to learn and explore at their own pace.

Contact Spine & Sport Rehab Institute to learn about our Mini Athlete Wellness Program designed to keep your little one safe, healthy and performing at their best both on and off the field! Call our office at (954) 452-4600 TODAY and get your child on the right track.

Monday, November 22, 2010

"TAPE IT LIKE" BECKHAM! New Therapeutic Treatment Used by Pro Athletes Available at SSRI

If you're an athlete who suffers from headaches, lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome or anything in between, a treatment that compromises full range of motion is simply not a viable solution as it is not condusive to the demands of an active lifestyle. Unfortunately however, its a very neccessary evil to most who have not been made aware of the seemingly miraculous effects bright colored strips of tape seen in odd patterns on professional athletes can have. Enter KINESIO TAPING!

Kinesiology (the Science of Motion) or Kinesio Taping was invented by a Japanese Doctor of Chiropractic in the late 1990's.  Kinesio Taping helps the body heal naturally, can be used preventatively, as treatment, in rehab, or during competition.

The Kinesio Taping Method is applied over muscles to reduce pain and inflammation, relax overused tired muscles, and to support muscles in movement on a 24hr/day basis. It is a non-restrictive type of taping which allows for full range of motion.

Kinesiology Tape can help take the pressure off overused muscles.  It gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion.  It is also used for preventive maintenance, edema and pain management.

David Beckham was introduced to Kinesio by Real Madrid's physios and wore the tape to devastating effect in their last game against Deportivo La Coruna where he set up two goals. 

Other athletes like 7 time Tour de France champ and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong, NBA star Kevin Garnet, Olympic Volleyball Gold Medalist Kerri Walsh and Professional Tennis Player Serena Williams are all users and advocates of the highly affective and wondrous new treatment which has taken the world of sports medicine by storm.

Spine and Sport Rehab Institute has two South Florida locations (Plantation and Port St. Lucie) and is by far one of the most technologically advanced facilities of its kind in the world and is in fact one of the few in South Florida certified and experienced in the practice of Kinesiology. 

Our clinicial director, Dr. Jeff Berard earned his Doctorate of Chiropractic from the Northwestern Health Sciences University College of Chiropractic and is Kineseo Tape Certified. He is also one of just 24 doctors qualifed in another highly-specialized and advanced treatment method called ART or Active Release Technique. Click on the link to the left of this article or ask Dr. Jeff about it to learn more!

Amateur and professional athletes alike rely on Spine and Sport Rehab Institute to provide the most advanced, leading edge therapeutic techniques available to keep them playing at optimum levels all year round. The Kinesio Tape Method is just one of many options available to our members who demand nothing short of the best in non-invasive, non-surgical treatments that allow them to heal quickly and naturally without prescription drugs.

Call the office closest to you to set up a FREE consultation TODAY!  You'll find our contact and address info to the left of this article.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Professional Athletes Credit Chiropractic Care for Helping Them Get Back in the Game!

Athletes, both at the professional and amateur levels rely upon their bodies to play games, win championships and earn a living.  However, as resiliant as the human body is to the abuse it endures through constant strenuous exercise and stress on the field and the court, muscle strain, exhaustion and pain are imminent and must be treated immediately and properly as to avoid permanent damage. 

That said, Chiropractic has become increasingly popular among athletes interested in a natural and effective method of preventive care and rehabilitative treatment as an alternative to medication and surgery. 

Dr. Jeff Berard and his staff of Massage Therapists, Personal Trainers, and Chiropractic Assistants at SPINE AND SPORT REHAB INSTITUTE in PLANTATION, FL are all qualified in the field of physical therapy and understand the specific care and attention athletes require to "get back into the game" and perform at peak levels.

Whether it's during the season or in the off-season, Chiropractic care is becoming the competitive advantage that many athletes are now seeking.

When your body is in better alignment, your nervous system is finely tuned, all piston's are firing!!!! This leads to better performance, fewer injuries and quicker recovery.

Top professionals in every sport are under chiropractic care to increase health and performance. The following are just a few sports stars under chiropractic care.

Lance Armstrong
Seven Time Tour de France winner, Lance Armstrong has been receiving chiropractic care since January of 1999, helping him to keep his body together for the harsh demands of the Tour de France. After last year's Tour de France, Lance said that he could not have won without his chiropractor's help.

Barry Bonds - The Most Valuable Player Mastery of five skills - base running, fielding, throwing, hitting for average and hitting with power - is the standard of greatness in a baseball player, and San Francisco Giants outfielder Barry Bonds has reached that mark.

Generally regarded as the best player in the major leagues today, he has proven himself, year after year, by raising his level of play to that of the all-time greats of the game. With a recent contract extension, he is now, befitting his enormous talents, the highest-paid player in baseball. "I go to my chiropractor on a regular basis, because I want to prolong my career as long as possible," he states. "I see him about once a week, in between my training (sessions). By getting an adjustment once a week from him, I feel I can sustain my career a lot longer."

Dan O'Brien - Decathlon Gold Medallist
"If it were not for Chiropractic, I would not have won the gold medal."
"You obviously can't compete at your fullest if you're not in alignment. And your body can't heal if your back is not in alignment. It was the holistic idea that I liked about chiropractic and that is what track and field is about. Every track and field athlete that I have ever met has seen a chiropractor at one time or another. In track and field, it is absolutely essential. Chiropractic care is one of the things I think that no one has denied or refuted."

Joe Montana "Chiropractic care works for me."
One of the most recognizable celebrity/athletes, holder of four Super Bowl rings, three Super Bowl MVP's and Player of the Year in 1990 has just agreed to become the spokesperson for Chiropractic in the State of California.

Emmitt Smith Credits Chiropractic for Rushing Record
"Playing in a football game is like being in 30-40 car accidents."
An article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram explains it all started after the 1994 season when Smith endured a lot of hamstring problems and he began to ask himself some tough questions. "Do I need to get more rest? Do I need to eat better? Do I need a little more training? How can I take care of my body better? Do I need to find a chiropractor? It was time for me to invest in me," Smith said. "I found a specialist that's really good in balancing out my body to make sure my hips are rotated right, and my body is functioning properly. I remember somebody telling me that what I put myself in during the games is like having a car wreck every Sunday. It's against the norm. You can find yourself in awkward positions. That stuff takes its toll. But if you take advantage of the health care, balance your body back out, put it back where it's supposed to be, you function better, and you recover faster."

Evander Holyfield
"I have to have an adjustment before I go into the ring.”
I do believe in chiropractic. I found that going to a chiropractor three times a week helps my performance. The majority of boxers go to get that edge."

If you are an athlete, or you partake in any type of sport activity, no matter what age you are, REGULAR chiropractic care can optimize your performance and most importantly, keep you safe from any sports-related injuries.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Berard at THE SPINE & SPORT REHAB INSTITUTE, call (954) 452-4600 today.  We will be happy to contribute to your health and success both on and off the field whether you're a professional athlete or not. We thank you in advance for coming in to see us and welcome the opportunity to help!

Monday, October 25, 2010

ACTIVE RELEASE TECHNIQUE - Breakthrough Treatment for Overused Muscles Offered Exclusively at SSRI

ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have one important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles.

What is an ART Treatment Like?
Every ART session is actually a combination of examination and treatment. The ART provider uses his or her hands to evaluate the texture, tightness and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Abnormal tissues are treated by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements. These treatment protocols - over 500 specific moves - are unique to ART. They allow providers to identify and correct the specific problems that are affecting each individual patient. ART is not a cookie-cutter approach.

How do overuse conditions occur?
Over-used muscles (and other soft tissues) change in three important ways:
  • acute conditions (pulls, tears, collisions, etc),
  • accumulation of small tears (micro-trauma)
  • not getting enough oxygen (hypoxia).
Each of these factors can cause your body to produce tough, dense scar tissue in the affected area. This scar tissue binds up and ties down tissues that need to move freely. As scar tissue builds up, muscles become shorter and weaker, tension on tendons causes tendonitis, and nerves can become trapped. This can cause reduced range of motion, loss of strength, and pain. If a nerve is trapped you may also feel tingling, numbness, and weakness.

What is the history of Active Release Techniques?
ART has been developed, refined, and patented by P. Michael Leahy, DC, CCSP. Dr. Leahy noticed that his patients' symptoms seemed to be related to changes in their soft tissue that could be felt by hand. By observing how muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves responded to different types of work, Dr. Leahy was able to consistently resolve over 90% of his patients' problems. He now teaches and certifies health care providers all over the world to use ART.

To schedule an appoint with Dr. Jeff Berard at Spine and Sport Chiropractic, call (954) 452-4600 and get started on a life of wellness the natural way TODAY!

Common Questions About Chiropractic

Many everyday things can cause neck pain, such as watching TV, using your computer, reading a book or falling asleep in a chair or on an airplane. The temporary pain that results usually resolves on its own, especially when the offending activity is discontinued. When it doesn't, a more serious underlying problem may be indicated.

Here are the most common questions we get about headaches and neck pain:

Q: What causes headaches?
A: The three most common causes are physical trauma, emotional stress, or chemical toxins. Sometimes there may be a combination of factors. A thorough examination process helps identify the most likely cause(s).

Q: Why would a chiropractor take pictures of my lower back?

A: Many practice members are surprised when their chiropractic examination involves other areas of their body besides the local site of their symptom(s). Some neck pain cases can be a compensation to problems in the feet, knees, hips and lower back. We see you as a whole person, not just a collection of "parts."

Q: Will I have to have neck adjustments?

A: If your problem is the result of abnormal motion or position of spinal bones in the neck, cervical adjustments can be effective. There are many ways to adjust the neck and your chiropractor has become an experienced master. Years of practice make these spinal adjustments safe and effective. Much safer than common aspirin or muscle relaxers!

Q: How long will I need chiropractic care?

A: Some practice members see quick improvement and then immediately discontinue their care. They often suffer a relapse since muscles and soft tissues have not had time to fully heal. Others discover that degenerative changes to their spines make periodic checkups a worthwhile investment. We'll make recommendations, but how long you benefit from chiropractic care is up to you.

If the weakest link in our bodies is our neck, stress shows up there. While chiropractic care cannot reduce the stress of your busy life, it can help improve your ability to handle and tolerate it. Without drugs or surgery!

To schedule an appoint with Dr. Jeff Berard at Spine and Sport Chiropractic, call (954) 452-4600 and get started on a life of wellness the natural way TODAY!